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New Crisis Monitoring Tool Provides Insight into Sub-Saharan Africa’s Fertilizer Sector
In an effort to minimize the effects of an imminent food crisis in Africa, Development Gateway and partners, Fertilizer Development Center and, updated the Africa Fertilizer Watch Dashboard. The Dashboard tracks regional and country-specific impacts from elevated global fertilizer prices, limited supplier inventory, and decreased affordability at the farmer level, which includes data from ten countries in Eastern and Southern Africa.

Filling Tobacco Control Data Gaps in Nigeria
Development Gateway’s Aminata Camara Badji and Seember Ali discuss the Nigeria’s Tobacco Control Data Initiative Dashboard, which launched June 28, 2022.

Advancing Tobacco Control in Nigeria: The TCDI Website
In June 2022, Development Gateway launched the Nigeria - Tobacco Control Data Initiative (TCDI) Dashboard. The TCDI website creates a “one-stop-shop” to access the relevant data that Nigeria’s policymakers need to advance tobacco control legislation and was created in response to the impending threat of increased tobacco use in Nigeria and the various dangers that accompany it.

Échos du secteur de la noix de cajou – André M. Tandjiekpon
André M. Tandjiekpon, Secrétaire exécutif du Conseil international consultatif du cajou (CICC), donne un aperçu du travail du CICC et explique comment la plateforme Cashew-IN développée par DG contribuera à son travail.

Voices of the Cashew Sector – André M. Tandjiekpon
André M. Tandjiekpon, Executive Secretary of the Consultative International Cashew Council (CICC), gives an overview of CICC’s work and explains how the Cashew-IN platform developed by DG will support his work.
TCDI South Africa Website Demo
Megan Borole (nee Little) discusses Development Gateway's Tobacco Control Data Initiative (TCDI) Dashboard for South Africa, which was launched in May 2021, and highlights some of the vital information present on the platform.

Échos du secteur de la noix de cajou – Joseph Zerbo
Joseph Zerbo, conseiller aux affaires économiques directeur général du Conseil burkinabé du cajou (CBA), dresse un panorama de la filière cajou au Burkina Faso.

Voices of the Cashew Sector – Joseph Zerbo
Joseph Zerbo, Economic Affairs Advisor General Manager of the Burkinabe Cashew Council, provides an overview of the cashew sector in Burkina Faso.

Échos du secteur de la noix de cajou – Roland Oroh
Roland Oroh, Président du Comité de pilotage national du Nigéria, donne un aperçu du secteur du cajou au Nigeria et explique comment la plateforme Cashew-IN développée par CNFA et DG soutiendra son travail.

Voices of the Cashew Sector – Roland Oroh
Roland Oroh, Chairman of the Nigeria National Cashew Steering Committee, gives an overview of the cashew sector in Nigeria and explains how the Cashew-IN platform developed by CNFA and DG will support his work.