Stories, ideas, and updates from DGers around the world
The Development Gateway: An IREX Venture blog is where DGers share specific learnings, offer thought-provoking insights, and pose challenging questions for the sustainable development community derived from our work.
Our blog has a deep archive going back to 2005. Each post is a snapshot into our work, priorities, and values.

Kicking off AMP in Egypt
Development Gateway is pleased to announce that we will be developing the Official Development Assistance (ODA) Information Management Systems for the Ministry of Investment and International Cooperation (MIIC) in the Arab Republic of Egypt.

Three Recommendations for Stronger Data Ecosystems
Incentives, accountabilities, and fitness-for-purpose influence how (and whether) data are used to drive policy. So what opportunities exist in national data ecosystems that can catalyze systemic change, toward greater evidence-based decision-making?

Incentivizing Data Quality and Use
Data-driven decision-making was considered a positive norm across countries researched during the UNICEF Data for Children pilot process. Ideally, the national data use cycle would consist of: (i) evidence-based planning; (ii) implementing programs according to plans; (iii) monitoring and evaluation (M&E) and reporting; (iv) analyzing data; and (v) making appropriate planning or program adjustments.

The Common Denominators of Administrative Data and Official Statistics
What does “fit-for-purpose” data actually mean? It depends: on who you ask, and what decision is at stake. For governments and development partners – particularly those who rely on data from country systems for program planning and management – much frustration came from perceived redundancies in statistical and administrative data systems.

Understanding National Data Ecosystems
Within the Sustainable Development Goal context of “leave no one behind,” there exists an opportunity – and a pressing obligation – to support better outcomes for children. But much of the change needed must happen at country and local level, through better use of data and evidence in decision-making.

The Women In Mining (WIM) Index: Using Data to Measure and Improve Gender Considerations in the Extractive Sector // L’indice Women In Mining (WIM) : Utilisation des données pour mesurer et améliorer la prise en compte du genre dans le secteur extractif
Development Gateway (DG) is pleased to partner with Women In Mining (WIM) Guinea in the innovative design and development of a pilot for the first-of-its-kind Women's Index for the Extractive Sector: the WIM Africa Index.

Agile Development in the Age of Adaptive Management
Adaptive management – the idea that development projects should respond to real life complexities and be flexible enough to respond to unforeseen changes – is an often-praised approach to doing development differently, with donors and partners exploring how to apply it within their programming.

What’s Next for the Results Data Initiative?
Moving into 2019, we are pleased to be expanding RDI alongside our growing set of partners and funders. The program’s third phase focuses on agency-level engagement, and we will be scaling our partnerships with these development agencies to use results data to inform critical policy and programmatic decisions.

Artificial Intelligence: A Silver Bullet or Scrap Metal for Global Development?
When someone mentions artificial intelligence (AI), it’s easy to conjure up two conflicting images: the first, killer robots whizzing past, replacing human jobs, daily tasks, and social interactions in a post-apocalyptic world; the second, a C-3PO-esque personality revolutionizing our health and food systems. Pondering this, we are also inclined to explore the question, where does

Beyond Finance and Planning: AIMS Across Sector Ministries
In nearly 15 years of implementing aid management programs, we’ve seen a number of shifts in who uses aid data and how they use it. So we sat up and took notice of this quote from the latest ODI blog post.