Photo Credit: Gabriel Inchauspe

Stories, ideas, and updates from DGers around the world

The Development Gateway: An IREX Venture blog is where DGers share specific learnings, offer thought-provoking insights, and pose challenging questions for the sustainable development community derived from our work.

Our blog has a deep archive going back to 2005. Each post is a snapshot into our work, priorities, and values.

Cómo utilizar estándares internacionales para mejorar los datos abiertos de compras y contrataciones públicas: el caso de ChileCompra

La Dirección de Compras y Contratación Pública de Chile (ChileCompra) es un líder regional de la transparencia en materia de compras públicas. Durante 2017, Development Gateway (DG) ejecutó una consultoría de elaboración de un Plan de mejora de datos abiertos para ChileCompra. El objetivo principal de la consultoría fue establecer un plan de acción que

February 21, 2018 Open Contracting and Procurement Analytics
En Español, News/Events, Procurement
Countdown to 2030: Accelerating Momentum towards Ending Preventable Maternal, Newborn, and Child Deaths with UNICEF

DG is pleased to announce the recent launch of the Countdown 2030 Country Dashboards and Profiles. In recent months, we partnered with Countdown 2030 and UNICEF, a Countdown 2030 member, to develop a series of comprehensive dashboards that illuminate progress towards achieving Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 3, Good Health and Wellbeing, which calls for the end of preventable maternal, newborn, and child deaths. The Dashboards and Country Profiles visualize data that is provided through an API serviced by UNICEF.

February 13, 2018 Health
Harnessing Technology at DFID: Takeaways from the New Digital Strategy

When it comes to technology and innovation, we often joke that the development sector lags at least 5 years behind the private sector. Worse still, in an effort to catch up, development agencies risk falling prey to fads, buzzwords, and endless jargon. The result is a staggering number of abandoned technology pilots, a paucity of

February 8, 2018 Global Data Policy
How Interoperability can Strengthen Agriculture and Nutrition

Food security, or people’s access to “sufficient, safe, and nutritious food,” remains a global challenge. Lack of access to nutritious food is not only more likely to affect those already facing difficulties such as poverty, economic shock and public health crises; when communities do not have adequate access to nutrition, they have a harder time

January 29, 2018 Agriculture
Open Data
Location, Location, Location: A miniTAG on how project location data should be published and visualized through IATI

Subnational location information is repeatedly identified as critical for both donors and implementers to understand and learn from development activities around the world. “Information on who is doing what and where allows development organizations to maximize impact by finding gaps in funding, identifying partners and avoiding duplicative efforts.” However, confusion around how location data should

January 26, 2018 Agriculture
Open Data
Development Gateway 2017 Annual Report

We are pleased to announce the digital publication of Development Gateway’s 2017 Annual Report, focused on our role as an action-based implementer and mobilizer of tools, practices, and innovation in an environment marked by collective enthusiasm for the Data Revolution. Our strategy remains responsive to the needs of the data revolution and the SDG agenda,

January 24, 2018 Global Data Policy
AMP Offline 1.0 Press Release: Syncing Data for Success

Development Gateway is pleased to announce the release of AMP Offline 1.0 – an offline client application for our flagship Aid Management Platform, available for all clients with AMP 3.0. AMP has a strong record of independent country ownership, and the Offline tool will further enable progress towards full AMP usability and sustainability. In continuing

January 23, 2018 Aid Management Program
Aid Effectiveness & Management, News/Events
IATI Data for the Future: Success, Progress, and Challenges

Last week, we shared experiences from the process of conducting Data Use Pilots along with our partners, Publish What You Fund. Today, we’re sharing further takeaways from using the International Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI) in conducting the Pilots, with a focus on results and issues we encountered throughout the process. Our last post discussed that IATI

January 19, 2018
Aid Effectiveness & Management, Open Data
Making IATI Work for Donors: Lessons from USAID and DFID

There are approximately 42,000 agricultural projects published through the International Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI). These projects contain information on which donors are spending what and where. The Initiative for Open Ag Funding has repeatedly heard that this information can be a powerful tool when planning and coordinating projects. Yet despite such enthusiasm, we found that

January 10, 2018
Aid Effectiveness & Management, Open Data
Sustainable Development, Through Children’s Eyes

One may think the words “sustainable development” might be abstract and bewildering to children – until meeting the students of the Sustainable Development Club of Le Collège Bilingue in Dakar, Senegal. Week after week, middle and high school students flock to this after-school club that aims to teach them about the benefits of a clean

December 21, 2017 Global Data Policy