Photo Credit: Gabriel Inchauspe

Stories, ideas, and updates from DGers around the world

The Development Gateway: An IREX Venture blog is where DGers share specific learnings, offer thought-provoking insights, and pose challenging questions for the sustainable development community derived from our work.

Our blog has a deep archive going back to 2005. Each post is a snapshot into our work, priorities, and values.

The Gambia joins Development Gateway’s Aid Management Family

Development Gateway is delighted to welcome The Gambia to the global Aid Management Program (AMP) family, joining over 25 countries worldwide dedicated to better tracking and managing aid flows. The Gambia is our 17th African partner government, and joins 20+ UNDP-supported AMP implementations. We are looking forward to a fruitful partnership in the years to come.

April 14, 2015
Aid Effectiveness & Management, News/Events
MOOCs, Maps, & Robots, Oh My!

The World Bank's Citizen Engagement MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) is underway, and with it we’ll hopefully see a few new ideas and projects to further citizen engagement from those participating in Track 2 (the Policy and Leadership track). If you’re eager to learn more about Citizen Engagement but aren’t ready to plan a project, then Track 1 is for you with its focus on understanding and evaluating current citizen engagement initiatives.

April 9, 2015
Cultivating a Data Culture in the United States

A few weeks ago, the AidData Partnership co-hosted a consultation event at the OpenGov Hub with Department of State's Office of US Foreign Assistance Resources, the Modernizing Foreign Assistance Network (MFAN) and USAID Global Development Lab.

April 7, 2015
Aid Effectiveness & Management, News/Events
Benefits of an Internal Data Culture

'The United States made a big move when it announced DJ Patil as the First US Chief Data Scientist. Patil was at the Strata + Hadoop World Conference when Barack Obama announced the decision via video call before Patil spoke to the audience about Data Science: Where Are We Going. The video can be found here and it is definitely worth watching the 13 minutes as he explains the impacts of data in government.'

April 2, 2015
Governments as Open Data Users: The Future of IATI

On March 19-20, the IATI Secretariat convened a Regional Workshop on Development Data and Usage. This event included 14 country governments from across Africa, as well as a handful of Ghanaian and international civil society organizations and service providers.

March 31, 2015
Aid Effectiveness & Management, News/Events, Open Data
Minerva Initiative examines relationship between aid and conflict

Foreign aid dollars promote peace and security – or do they? This is the fundamental tenet underlying huge amounts of development financing, driven by studies showing that higher household wealth can mean reduced violence or that targeted spending may undermine rebel groups who win allegiance by providing social services.

March 26, 2015
Innovation, News/Events
A New Development Gateway

'Development Gateway is proud to announce the publication of its 2012-2014 Annual Report!As the letter from Board Chair Mary O''Kane illustrates:'

March 24, 2015
A Data Revolution from the Inside Out

The eight Millennium Development Goals are targeted for completion in 2015, and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) will be the world’s new targets. These SDGs necessitate a “Data Revolution,” and every organization needs to start laying the groundwork now for a successful future.

March 19, 2015
Data Use
IATI and Country Systems: Data Evaluation Methodology

Last week, we shared big-picture challenges and opportunities our team identified when evaluating IATI data for country-level integration. In this post, we will explain in more detail our data comparison and methodology used to analyze IATI and in-country data...

March 17, 2015
Aid Effectiveness & Management, Open Data
IATI and Country Systems: Data Evaluation Results

Earlier this year, we announced a new partnership between Development Gateway and the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Development to integrate IATI and Aid Management Platform (AMP) data in Burkina Faso, Chad, Cote d’Ivoire, Madagascar, and Senegal. Below is an update on outcomes to-date; our next post will describe in-depth the data methodology for this process.

March 12, 2015
Results Data