Stories, ideas, and updates from DGers around the world
The Development Gateway: An IREX Venture blog is where DGers share specific learnings, offer thought-provoking insights, and pose challenging questions for the sustainable development community derived from our work.
Our blog has a deep archive going back to 2005. Each post is a snapshot into our work, priorities, and values.

Making Citizen Feedback More Actionable in Uganda
As Jed Miller recently noted in The Guardian, making data available online doesn’t mean much on its own. It is a necessary first step in the open data movement, but information is valuable only when it can be used. That means getting the right data in front of the right people.

OpenGov Hub 2.0: Official Launch!
We're beyond excited to announce that, last night, we officially launched the new (and we're proud to say, improved!) OpenGov Hub. We've all been trickling in and getting settled over the last two months, but we're finally ready to (re)take the open government space by storm.

Announcing a New Minerva Initiative Grant to Study Complex Emergencies in Asia
We’re thrilled to announce the U.S. Department of Defense’s Minerva Initiative has awarded a $1.9 million grant to the Robert S. Strauss Center for International Security and Law. As a Strauss Center research partner, Development Gateway will support the exploration of complex emergencies in Asia by creating a series of new dashboards to support high-level geospatial analysis and modeling. We hope to learn about the particular dynamics of these emergencies, and how we might build government capacity to respond to and prevent them.

Chad Joins Development Gateway’s Aid Management Family
Development Gateway is delighted to welcome Chad to the global Aid Management Program family. Chad marks our 24th AMP country, our 16th African partner government, and another of our 20+ UNDP-supported AMP programs. We are looking forward to a productive partnership in the years to come.

MapAfrica: African Development Bank Looks to Institutionalize Geocoding’
Today, the African Development Bank (AfDB) released MapAfrica – a dynamic online...

South-South Cooperation: A Honduran Case Study
Development Finance open data has quickly become a hot topic for large international groups. The International Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI), World Bank, and AidData (a partner of Development Gateway’s) are just a few of the many organizations that have promoted this increase in open data and aid transparency.

MapAfrica: AfDB Geocoding for Greater Accountability
Geocoding (turning the location of development activities into coordinates that enable accurate placement on a map) has long been high on the agenda for those interested in the traceability of funding for development projects.rnrnWith this objective in mind, the African Development Bank (AfDB) is geocoding its entire portfolio of activities, by mapping the exact location of the operations it finances. This will also help the institution better integrate its actions with other national open data and geospatial initiatives, principally the Open Aid Partnership, USAID, and AidData.

Open Contracting: Creating Transparency Through Contract Data
In all countries, whether rich or poor, contracts are at the nexus of revenue generation, budget planning, resource management and the delivery of public goods. Open contracting refers to norms and practices for increased disclosure and participation in public contracting at all stages of the contracting process.

AidData 3.0 Data Portal Release Makes Development Finance More Intuitive
AidData, a research and innovation lab that seeks to improve development outcomes by making development finance data more accessible and actionable, released the 3.0 version of the aiddata.org portal during Global Transparency Week.

How are International Development Partners Supporting Timor-Leste?
Congratulations to the Government of Timor-Leste for releasing its Development Cooperation Report for 2012 using data from the Timor-Leste Aid Management Platform. rnrnTimor-Leste has long been at the forefront of the transparency movement.