Posts categorized News/Events
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China’s Development Finance to Africa: A Media-Based Approach to Data Collection
How big is China’s aid to Africa? Does it complement or undermine the efforts of traditional donors? China releases little information and outside estimates of the size and nature of Chinese aid vary widely. In an effort to overcome this problem, AidData has compiled a database of thousands of media reports on Chinese-backed projects in Africa from 2000-2011. The database includes information on 1,673 projects in 51 African countries, and $75 billion in commitments of official finance.

Our Vision for Citizen Engagement
Recently in Washington and London, we participated in Citizen Voices, a global conference on citizen engagement for enhanced development impact with the World Bank. At both events, there was much talk about the role of technology in empowering citizen feedback loops to improve development outcomes.

Open Development Technology Alliance Now Runs on Zunia Technology
The Open Development Technology Alliance (ODTA) aims to enhance accountability and improve the delivery and quality of public services through technology-enabled citizen engagement. The ODTA is an initiative of The World Bank, anchored by the World Bank Institute, the Social Development Department and the ICT Sector Unit of The World Bank.

More Bang for the Buck: How Migrants Can Save $4 Billion on Remittances’
This week the World Bank launched Send Money Africa, a website that empowers African migrants with information to compare the costs of different services for sending money to their home countries. Development Gateway created Send Money Africa for the World Bank using the Send Money Service toolkit, a platform for making remittance price data more transparent via internet, smart phones, and via SMS.

Development Gateway Extends Support In Nepal
Since 2010, Development Gateway has cooperated with the Government of Nepal on a high-functioning Aid Management Platform. The Nepal AMP is headquartered in the Ministry of Finance but its information is shared widely with the National Planning Commission, all of Nepal’s line ministries, and the Nepalese media.

dgMarket Now Tracking Almost $1 Trillion in Government Procurements for 500,000 Users
This month, dgMarket reached a new milestone – we now have over half a million users who can track almost $1 trillion in government procurements annually!rnrndgMarket is an online marketplace for government tenders, providing access to tender notices, bidding documents, and other procurement information. It also provides open information on some 1.6 million contract awards, in support of the Open Contracting movement.

Please Welcome New Development Gateway Staff
We are always looking for new people to add to Development Gateway's deep roster of talented staff to increase our impact. We're proud to announce that we’ve added several key staff to help us expand and manage our diverse programs.

Announcing the $25 Million AidData Center for Development Policy
Development Gateway is pleased to announce that the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) has awarded the College of William and Mary, Development Gateway, Brigham Young University, the University of Texas at Austin, and Esri, a five-year, $25-million cooperative agreement to increase global aid transparency through the AidData Center for Development Policy.

Please Welcome Moldova to the Aid Management Program Community
Development Gateway is pleased to announce that we will be implementing the Aid Management Program with the government of Moldova thanks to the generous support of UNDP Moldova.rnrnWe will leverage our experience working on aid management in over 20 different countries around the world to support the government’s commitment to share information on external assistance to enhance its effectiveness, transparency and mutual accountability. rnrnThe Moldova AMP will assist the government of Moldova in their efforts to:

Another Hub? Why the OpenGov Hub is Different
Co-working spaces, or Hubs, come in all shapes and sizes and typically have snazzy themes; incubator, accelerator, meet up, etc. They are also all the rage, popping up everywhere from the US to Africa, Asia, and Latin America. Although the ambitions and intent behind each hub are noble and good, these initiatives often struggle both operationally and financially.rnrnWhy is the OpenGov Hub different?