Posts focused on Global Data Policy

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Unlocking Gender Data: Ensuring the Future Is Open for All

“The Future is Open” is this year’s IODC theme, with the conference focusing on innovative solutions and opportunities for collaboration to inspire real progress in the years ahead. Critical to this progress is ensuring that data accurately reflects all citizens and their diversity of experiences, needs, barriers, and aspirations. But we know that open data continues to struggle to capture this for an entire half of the population: women.

September 4, 2018 Global Data Policy
DG White Paper Release: Understanding Data Use

We know that Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) aims to support accountability and learning, in order to drive better outcomes. Through the Results Data Initiative (RDI), we’ve approached M&E with a critical eye – how can we better allocate M&E funding, and what results are we really striving for?

August 21, 2018 Global Data Policy
Data Use, News/Events, Results Data
Kim Yi Dionne Joins DG Board of Directors

DG is pleased to announce that Kim Yi Dionne, Assistant Professor of Political Science at UC Riverside, has joined our Board of Directors. “We are thrilled to have Kim join our board, as a creative and influential thought leader who embodies the values we strive for at DG. Kim’s approach of working with communities to understand their needs, amplifying underrepresented voices, and challenging stale thinking will push us to continue to grow and learn as an organization.“ states Josh Powell, DG’s Deputy Chief Executive Officer.

August 8, 2018 Global Data Policy
The Future (of Development) is Feminist

This weekend marks the G7 Summit in Canada – as well as the first anniversary of Global Affairs Canada’s Feminist International Assistance Policy. Over the past year, in Canada and elsewhere, we’ve seen the rights of women and girls grow in prominence across public and development discourse.  With heightened focus on sexual and reproductive health,

June 7, 2018 Global Data Policy
News/Events, Results Data
Data for Development Festival 2018: Where You’ll Find Us

This month, we’ll be participating in the Data for Development Festival in Bristol, UK. We’ll be attending a mix of exciting sessions throughout the entire festival, but we hope to see you at the following sessions in particular:   Building Data Ecosystems for Decision-Making Wednesday 21 March 2018, 14:00 – 15:30, Lord Mayor’s Reception Room

March 8, 2018 Global Data Policy
Harnessing Technology at DFID: Takeaways from the New Digital Strategy

When it comes to technology and innovation, we often joke that the development sector lags at least 5 years behind the private sector. Worse still, in an effort to catch up, development agencies risk falling prey to fads, buzzwords, and endless jargon. The result is a staggering number of abandoned technology pilots, a paucity of

February 8, 2018 Global Data Policy
Development Gateway 2017 Annual Report

We are pleased to announce the digital publication of Development Gateway’s 2017 Annual Report, focused on our role as an action-based implementer and mobilizer of tools, practices, and innovation in an environment marked by collective enthusiasm for the Data Revolution. Our strategy remains responsive to the needs of the data revolution and the SDG agenda,

January 24, 2018 Global Data Policy
Sustainable Development, Through Children’s Eyes

One may think the words “sustainable development” might be abstract and bewildering to children – until meeting the students of the Sustainable Development Club of Le Collège Bilingue in Dakar, Senegal. Week after week, middle and high school students flock to this after-school club that aims to teach them about the benefits of a clean

December 21, 2017 Global Data Policy
Social Good Summit 2017: Technology, Innovation, and a Call to Action

On September 17th, the UN Foundation’s Social Good Summit took place at the 92nd Street Y in NYC as a kickoff to the 72nd Meeting of the UN General Assembly. Entrepreneurs, experts, activists, and SDG Global Goalkeepers gathered in a call to action about how we will integrate technology and innovation into our vision for

October 24, 2017 Global Data Policy
Press Release: Endorsing the Principles for Digital Development

We are pleased to announce our endorsement of the Principles for Digital Development. The Principles, of which Digital Impact Alliance is the steward, seek to institutionalize lessons learned in the use of Information and Communication Technology (ICTs) in development projects. They allow practitioners to to integrate best practices into their programs, as well as coordinate

October 12, 2017 Global Data Policy