Posts categorized Open Data
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Open Contracting for the Future: Three Frontier Issues
The future of open contracting depends on the ability of governments and citizens to open up the entire public contracting cycle, create feedback channels, and use open contracting data to improve procurement results. But there remain a number of crucial issues that will advance or hinder the open contracting agenda in the years ahead. In

SEMA and Citizen-Generated Data
“Basically, we used to have two methods of getting information on water infrastructure… The first… [was] the water department at the municipal level would visit the villages once or twice a year during the months of June and December to do stock-taking of all water points and their functionality status. “The second method was to

Sensors, Empowerment, and Accountability: Tapping Water Resources in Tanzania
Access to safe water is essential to our health and wellbeing. As an international community, we recognize this as demonstrated by our commitment to Sustainable Development Goal 6, “Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all.” At the national level, universal access to safe water is a core indicator in Tanzania Vision

Musings from Buntwani 2017
When data — particularly government data — is made relevant and available, we as “infomediaries” have an opportunity to create public value. As a community of data users, we are becoming more savvy at turning datasets into information, and information into advocacy for better public resource allocation, transparency and accountability, and good governance. At

AidData 3.0: Engine for Growth
In 2003, an undergraduate student at the College of William and Mary set out to write his honors thesis on the efforts of international development organizations to help communities adapt to and mitigate the effects of global climate change. His research quickly hit a roadblock: existing public data on foreign aid flows was not precise

See You At AODC 2017
Next week, we will be participating in the Africa Open Data Conference in Accra, Ghana. We are excited to share with 600+ other individuals and organizations how DG and our partners use open data to empower citizens, reduce corruption, and elevate evidence-based policymaking.

Visualizing the Interdependencies between Conflict, Climate Change, and Natural Disasters
How do conflict, climate change, and natural disasters overlap -- and how can policymakers mitigate these challenges? The Complex Emergencies and Political Stability in Asia (CEPSA) program...

Promoting the use of development data in Honduras and Timor-Leste
As in Senegal, last year Development Gateway – in partnership with the AidData Center for Development Policy – interviewed leaders from the government, development partners, civil society, and academia in Honduras and Timor-Leste. Across both countries, we identified two common barriers keeping the supply of development data from addressing the demand of information for decision-making:

Open Contracting in West Africa: DG Introduces Assessment Reports
Over the past several months, Development Gateway and the Open Contracting Partnership have been studying open contracting readiness across West Africa. Today, we are pleased to announce the publication of a series of open contracting scoping studies. Working with the support of the support of the Foreign & Commonwealth Office (UK), we have produced: Country

Making Development Data Fit for Purpose in Senegal // Rendre les données sur le développement adaptées aux besoins nationaux au Sénégal
Last year, Development Gateway – with our partners at the AidData Center for Development Policy – interviewed nearly fifty leaders from the government, development partner, and civil society communities of Senegal. Our goal was to uncover how (and whether) data from Senegal’s Aid Management Platform (AMP) was used in development-related decisions; identify barriers to data