Posts focused on Global Data Policy

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Open Call: Subnational Data Use Consultation

The 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) call on us to “leave no one behind.” At the same time, there is an urgent need to empower individuals and communities with access to information and skills to help them thrive in the growing digital economy. But what investments can transform “data-driven decision-making” from a global commitment to a key component of community-centered development?

June 11, 2019 Global Data Policy
News/Events, Subnational
Incentives and Opportunities for Alignment with Country Systems

Last month, we explored opportunities for better resourcing for the data revolution – and found that calls for greater coordination particularly resonated. Amongst development providers, there’s concern about duplication of efforts – particularly in a political context of decreasing budgets and increasing scrutiny for aid.

May 6, 2019 Global Data Policy
Data Use
Three Recommendations for Better SDG Data Resourcing

With the World Bank/ IMF Spring Meetings underway, many of us are keen to explore more and better resources for achieving the data revolution for sustainable development. As we and others have argued before, a key part of this revolution must involve greater harmonization of data collection and use efforts between country governments and development partners.

April 8, 2019 Global Data Policy
Results Data
Understanding How DFID Makes Decisions – Landscape Report on the Role of Data

The UK’s Department for International Development (DFID) and Development Gateway (DG) are pleased to release a new report entitled “Decision-Making and Data Use Landscaping: Better Data, Better Decisions - May 2017 to October 2018.” This work examines the role that data plays in supporting key decisions taken by DFID at the strategy, portfolio (sector or country), and programme level. Supported by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation through DG’s Results Data Initiative, the report synthesises in-depth interviews with approximately 60 DFID staff across four country offices, all sector teams, and senior management. 

March 25, 2019 Global Data Policy
Results Data
Three Recommendations for Stronger Data Ecosystems

Incentives, accountabilities, and fitness-for-purpose influence how (and whether) data are used to drive policy. So what opportunities exist in national data ecosystems that can catalyze systemic change, toward greater evidence-based decision-making?

March 13, 2019 Global Data Policy
Artificial Intelligence: A Silver Bullet or Scrap Metal for Global Development?

When someone mentions artificial intelligence (AI), it’s easy to conjure up two conflicting images: the first, killer robots whizzing past, replacing human jobs, daily tasks, and social interactions in a post-apocalyptic world; the second, a C-3PO-esque personality revolutionizing our health and food systems. Pondering this, we are also inclined to explore the question, where does

February 6, 2019 Global Data Policy
Explainer, Innovation
Cracking Open the IATI Tool Guide

As the number of tools and resources for using and publishing data to the International Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI) continues to increase, it gets harder to keep track of what is available, and how maximize each tool’s benefits. To address this, we at Development Gateway put together the IATI Tool Guide, a one-stop guide to IATI tools and resources.

November 29, 2018 Global Data Policy
News/Events, Open Data, Program
Join Us: Strengthening Foreign Assistance through Results Data Use

We know that evidence can lead to better outcomes. Yet despite spending upwards of USD $2.5 billion annually on collecting information about results – outcomes and impacts – research suggests these data are infrequently used. We at Development Gateway invite you to discuss how we can address this gap, by making smarter agency and government-wide investments in results.

November 26, 2018 Global Data Policy
News/Events, Results Data
GDPR and its Connection to the Open Data Movement

Since this past May, you’ve probably received a flood of company emails updating terms of service and consent requests to give permission to collect your data. You also probably know that this flood is all thanks to the EU’s recent General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which has set us abuzz in its heightened protection of

October 22, 2018 Global Data Policy
Explainer, Open Data
World Data Forum 2018: Where We’ll Be

Next week, we’ll be in Dubai, UAE for the 2nd UN World Data Forum – focusing on how data leads to impact across groups such as information technology experts, GIS experts, civil society organizations, and data producers and users. At an event as packed with awesome sessions, we know it can be tough to keep track of what's what, and who’s where – here’s a preview of where you can find DG. See you in Dubai!

October 17, 2018 Global Data Policy