Posts categorized Open Data
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Challenging Assumptions: Lessons from Designing User-Centric Tools in Malawi
What does it take to design a platform to collect, manage, and analyze a country’s agricultural information? Ideally, a significant amount of time to speak with key data producers and intended data users to understand needs and achieve buy-in. But, as was our experience in Malawi, – it also requires a fair amount of humility and iteration.

Did We Make the “Publish Once” Dream a Reality?
One of the central hopes of the IATI initiative was to “make the publish once dream a reality.” We’ve recently concluded work with UNICEF and Development Initiatives, seeking to help UNICEF achieve this dream, and publish their IATI data to country level systems. So did we do it? Did we make the dream a reality?

What does Data Interoperability Require in Practice?
A few months ago, under the mSTAR project funded by USAID, DG and our partner Athena Infonomics (AI) set out to understand the underlying structure of the data currently being collected and managed by Feed the Future implementers, and how to best support them to open up and share their data through digital tools and best practices.
Joining Up Data to Combat HIV/AIDS in Côte d’Ivoire
How can “joined-up” geospatial data support the battle against HIV/AIDS, by promoting evidence-based decision-making? Last month, Development Gateway joined our partners at the AidData Center for Development Policy in launching the Côte d’Ivoire (CIV) open geospatial data center (OpenDCH), supported by USAID-CIV and PEPFAR. The OpenDCH/GeoCenter aims to address key challenges related to the country’s

The Geocoding Suite: Let’s Get Technical
Development Gateway’s Geocoding Suite has several components, each working in tandem with aid and management information systems to assign precise geospatial data on the locations of development projects.We have recently announced the addition of a lightweight, user-friendly automatic geocoding backend tool – aptly called the AutoGeocoder. If you read our last blog post, you’re familiar

Hey Alexa, Where is FAO Working in Uganda?
Okay, so we might not be able to ask our smart home systems questions about where development efforts are taking place just yet. However, we're working to determine whether we could use Machine Learning to help us more quickly answer that very question, “Where is FAO working in Uganda?”

How Interoperability can Strengthen Agriculture and Nutrition
Food security, or people’s access to “sufficient, safe, and nutritious food,” remains a global challenge. Lack of access to nutritious food is not only more likely to affect those already facing difficulties such as poverty, economic shock and public health crises; when communities do not have adequate access to nutrition, they have a harder time

Location, Location, Location: A miniTAG on how project location data should be published and visualized through IATI
Subnational location information is repeatedly identified as critical for both donors and implementers to understand and learn from development activities around the world. “Information on who is doing what and where allows development organizations to maximize impact by finding gaps in funding, identifying partners and avoiding duplicative efforts.” However, confusion around how location data should

IATI Data for the Future: Success, Progress, and Challenges
Last week, we shared experiences from the process of conducting Data Use Pilots along with our partners, Publish What You Fund. Today, we’re sharing further takeaways from using the International Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI) in conducting the Pilots, with a focus on results and issues we encountered throughout the process. Our last post discussed that IATI

Making IATI Work for Donors: Lessons from USAID and DFID
There are approximately 42,000 agricultural projects published through the International Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI). These projects contain information on which donors are spending what and where. The Initiative for Open Ag Funding has repeatedly heard that this information can be a powerful tool when planning and coordinating projects. Yet despite such enthusiasm, we found that