Posts categorized News/Events
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What Can West Africans Do With Their Procurement Data?
When it comes to understanding government procurement, we need data. And to understand how efficient procurement processes are, we must assess the quality of procurement data...
See You At AODC 2017
Next week, we will be participating in the Africa Open Data Conference in Accra, Ghana. We are excited to share with 600+ other individuals and organizations how DG and our partners use open data to empower citizens, reduce corruption, and elevate evidence-based policymaking.
Josh Powell Joins GPSDD Technical Advisory Group
We are proud to announce that Josh Powell, DG’s Deputy CEO, has been invited to join the Technical Advisory Group (TAG) of the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development Data (GPSDD). This news comes just one week after DG joined the ICGFM board, further emphasizing DG’s growing reach and influence in the world of development data.
DG Joins ICGFM Board
We are pleased to announce that Development Gateway has been invited to join the board of the International Consortium on Governmental Financial Management (ICGFM). In doing so, we join a diverse yet collaborative and powerful group of 19 other Sustaining Members. Vanessa Goas, DG’s Director of Operations, will continue to spearhead the DG-ICGFM relationship as
Define and Co-Design: Promoting Health Data Use in Tanzania
Earlier this month, the Results Data Initiative (RDI) program reached an important milestone by convening our first cross-ministry co-design workshop with 24 officials across the Government of Tanzania. Our goal? Put data to use for decision-making in health. At this meeting, we put our problem-driven, iterative, and adaptive (PDIA) approach into motion — facilitating discussions around
Jordan becomes the latest country to implement the Aid Management Program
Development Gateway is pleased to announce that we will be implementing the Aid Flows Information System (AFIS) for the Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation (MOPIC) of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, in collaboration with UNDP. To support MOPIC in its efforts to better track development and humanitarian assistance, DG will customize our Aid Management
InterAction Forum: Data Use in the Modern NGO
Modern NGOs are getting better at at collecting data, often through ICT tools or open data sources. But how do development organizations use this data, to inform plans, budgets, and management decisions – and what challenges do they face?
Open Contracting Analytics: Introducing the M&E and Corruption Risk Dashboards
National and local government officials are in a bind: they spend significant proportions of their budgets on procuring goods, works, and services, but know very little about how effectively they are spending these monies. Citizens and businesses, too, have an interest in knowing that government is purchasing wisely, and that participating in public markets is a worthwhile endeavor.
Talking MEL at ICT4D 2017
Join me next week at the ICT4D Conference to talk tech for smarter monitoring, evaluation, and learning (MEL). I’ll be talking about Development Gateway’s latest tool, AdaptMIS — and how we are implementing the platform for the Young African Leadership Initiative (YALI). Much time and effort goes into collecting indicator data to monitor and evaluate
Report Launch: Avoiding Data Graveyards
Every day, governments, development partners, and civil society leaders make a multitude of decisions about how to allocate, monitor, and evaluate development assistance. But do these decisions rely on data – and, if so, how? Last year, Development Gateway – with our partners at the AidData Center for Development Policy – undertook three country studies