Search Results For “Voices of the Cashew Sector”
Des données exhaustives et fiables peuvent contribuer à accroître les profits, à réduire les pertes ainsi qu’à améliorer la compétitivité des agriculteurs, des producteurs, des transformateurs et des autres acteurs du secteur de la noix de cajou. Development Gateway (DG) s’est associé à Cultivating New Frontiers in Agriculture (CNFA) dans le cadre du projet PRO-Cashew de l’USDA pour l’Afrique de l’Ouest pour développer Cashew-IN, une plateforme de collecte et d’analyse de données.
Development Gateway travaille aussi dans les pays francophones d'Afrique et des Caraïbes depuis 2007. Nous mettons à profit notre expertise technique et développons des outils, des processus et des analyses multilingues personnalisés pour soutenir les efforts de nos partenaires à obtenir de meilleurs résultats dans plusieurs secteurs, notamment l'assistance au développement, l'agriculture, les industries extractives et la santé. Ce bulletin d'information revient sur la présence de DG dans les pays francophones.
Kassimou Issaka, agroéconomiste et directeur général de l'Agence territoriale de développement agricole (ATDA Pôles), donne un aperçu du travail de l'ATDA et explique comment la plateforme Cashew-IN développée par DG et CNFA soutiendra son travail.
André M. Tandjiekpon, Secrétaire exécutif du Conseil international consultatif du cajou (CICC), donne un aperçu du travail du CICC et explique comment la plateforme Cashew-IN développée par DG contribuera à son travail.
Development Gateway (DG) and Cultivating New Frontiers in Agriculture (CNFA) have partnered to launch an innovative platform to support the West African cashew sector and increase profitability for cashew farmers. Comprehensive and reliable data is required for cashew farmers, producers, processors, and others in the West African cashew sector to increase profits, reduce loss, and improve global competitiveness. In this video, Vanessa Baudin Sanchez and Nadejda Mândrescu demonstrate the features of the Cashew-IN platform and discuss the underlying technology.
In the past decade, there has been over $7 billion worth of private-sector investments into Nigeria’s agriculture sector. Why, and what is the impact of these investments? What does it mean for Nigerian farmers? In this blog, we explore these and other changes happening in the Nigerian fertilizer market.
In this episode of "Data... for What?!" Josh talks to Charlene Migwe-Kagume about how we are approaching agriculture in our new strategy. DG has worked in Agriculture for a number of years, but how are we building on past experiences and our strengths to take this work forward? Josh and Charlene discuss digging deeper in agriculture and how innovation plays a role.
I am Taryn Davis and I've entered Development Gateway into the Knight News Challenge with my Dear Gov idea. We want to enable citizens of Nepal to interact with government by introducing them to mapped development projects within their community and develop a platform to display citizen feedback and 15 second “Dear Gov” videos layered with the mapped project info.
Data governance frameworks are essential as data and technology continue to become increasingly central to how governments, institutions, groups, and individuals all interact with one another and among themselves. Here are the best practices DG has learned in creating data governance frameworks so far.
In advance of the first VIFAA country dashboard launch next week, we will explore the importance and source of accurate and reliable data for each of the indicators. This is a crucial step in making data available in a way that stakeholders can use to inform their decisions.