Posts focused on Data Management Systems and MEL

At a Glance | Evidence-Informed Policymaking: Education Data-Driven Decision Mapping in Kenya and Senegal

Development Gateway: An IREX Venture (DG) and our strategic partner IREX, supported by the William & Flora Hewlett Foundation, conducted a study of the education data systems in Kenya and Senegal. In our findings from this study, we underscore the necessity of a harmonized approach to education data management and share insights that provide a valuable roadmap for future reforms and investments in education data systems.

July 2, 2024 Data Management Systems and MEL, Education
Data Use, IREX
At a Glance | Tracking Climate Finance in Africa: Political and Technical Insights on Building Sustainable Digital Public Goods

In order to combat the effects of climate change, financing is needed to fund effective climate fighting strategies. Our white paper, “Tracking Climate Finance in Africa: Political and Technical Insights on Building Sustainable Digital Public Goods,” explores the importance of climate finance tracking, common barriers to establishing climate finance tracking systems, and five insights on developing climate finance tracking systems.

June 24, 2024 Data Management Systems and MEL, Global Data Policy
Aid Effectiveness & Management, Data Use
Great Green Wall Observatory: A New Data Platform to Support One of Africa’s Most Ambitious Efforts to Combat Climate Change

In partnership with UNCCD, GGW Accelerator, and the Pan African Agency for the GGW, DG has launched the Great Green Wall Observatory. This pioneering digital platform monitors the GGW Initiative's progress, enhancing collaboration, accountability, and transparency across 11 African countries. By providing financial and project management data, the Observatory empowers communities, stakeholders, and policymakers to combat climate change in the Sahara and Sahel regions. With over 302 projects and $15 billion in commitments, this tool promotes robust climate action and fosters local and global engagement.

June 4, 2024 Data Management Systems and MEL, Global Data Policy
Developing Data Systems: Five Issues IREX and DG Explored at Festival de Datos

IREX and Development Gateway: An IREX Venture participated in Festival de Datos from November 7-9, 2023. In this blog, Philip Davidovich, Annie Kilroy, Josh Powell, and Tom Orrell explore five key issues discussed at Festival de Datos on advancing data systems and how IREX and DG are meeting these challenges.

January 17, 2024 Data Management Systems and MEL
Understanding How DFID Makes Decisions – Landscape Report on the Role of Data

The UK’s Department for International Development (DFID) and Development Gateway (DG) are pleased to release a new report entitled “Decision-Making and Data Use Landscaping: Better Data, Better Decisions - May 2017 to October 2018.” This work examines the role that data plays in supporting key decisions taken by DFID at the strategy, portfolio (sector or country), and programme level. Supported by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation through DG’s Results Data Initiative, the report synthesises in-depth interviews with approximately 60 DFID staff across four country offices, all sector teams, and senior management. 

March 25, 2019 Data Management Systems and MEL, Global Data Policy
Results Data
The Common Denominators of Administrative Data and Official Statistics

What does “fit-for-purpose” data actually mean? It depends: on who you ask, and what decision is at stake. For governments and development partners – particularly those who rely on data from country systems for program planning and management – much frustration came from perceived redundancies in statistical and administrative data systems. 

February 26, 2019 Data Management Systems and MEL
Understanding National Data Ecosystems

Within the Sustainable Development Goal context of “leave no one behind,” there exists an opportunity – and a pressing obligation – to support better outcomes for children. But much of the change needed must happen at country and local level, through better use of data and evidence in decision-making.

February 21, 2019 Data Management Systems and MEL
What’s Next for the Results Data Initiative?

Moving into 2019, we are pleased to be expanding RDI alongside our growing set of partners and funders. The program’s third phase focuses on agency-level engagement, and we will be scaling our partnerships with these development agencies to use results data to inform critical policy and programmatic decisions.

February 8, 2019 Data Management Systems and MEL
News/Events, Program, Results Data
DG White Paper Release: The Custom Assessment and Landscaping Methodology

To achieve data use, we must change how we approach, design, and implement M&E systems. At present, investments in M&E systems suffer from high levels of inefficiency, and there is a high rate of failure across implemented systems. In taking steps to improve how M&E systems are designed, and to achieve truly useful systems, Development Gateway is pleased to announce the release of our latest white paper, “The Custom Assessment and Landscaping Methodology: Balancing Accountability & Learning in M&E Systems.”

January 3, 2019 Data Management Systems and MEL
News/Events, Process, Results Data
Streamlining the IATI-AIMS Import Process

At Development Gateway (DG), we continually emphasize learning and improving on established tools, seeking out new ways of designing to optimize impact. In recent months, as part of the International Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI) Data Use Fund, we’ve made several key improvements to our existing IATI-AIMS Import Tool that have made it more user-friendly and

November 1, 2018 Data Management Systems and MEL
News/Events, Open Data, Program