Posts categorized Innovation

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Post-Habitat III reflections: An ever growing toolbox?

Last month, nearly 50,000 people convened in Quito, Ecuador to discuss the importance of cities as drivers of development worldwide. While Habitat III -- the United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development -- showcased many success stories, the take-home message was clear...

November 16, 2016
Innovation, News/Events
How to Build an Information Management System (one hurdle at a time)

The United Nation Development Group’s Information Management System (IMS) is one of the largest software tools DG has ever built. With users on 131 UN Country Teams, the IMS tracks progress toward core UN goals on and coherence in 165 countries and territories....

November 2, 2016
Global Goals, National Priorities: Kenya Forestry App

At the United Nations General Assembly last week, government, public, and private actors signaled their intent to achieve a sustainable 2030 -- and recognition that we only have 14 more years to turn rhetoric into reality. For the past several months, we worked with the Government of Kenya to show how technology and the data revolution can support national achievement of the global goals.....

September 26, 2016
Innovation, Open Data
A Deep-Dive into the Cities Data Toolkit

Development Gateway and Athena Infonomics were present at the Cities Alliance workshop in Accra, Ghana last week where over 150 participants convened to share lessons learned and discuss key issues to help support cities and the urban transition in Africa. The Promoting the Role of Cities: Africa Strategy Workshop has been rich with discussions, debates, and dialogues as to what actions are needed to successfully support the continent’s rapid urbanization....

September 22, 2016
A case for optimism: Year one of the SDGs

One year ago this month, the Sustainable Development Goals were unanimously adopted by the United Nations General Assembly – signaling that the world was “all in” on the 2030 Agenda....

September 13, 2016
How open data supports Big Results Now in Tanzania

We’re in the midst of a “data revolution” for development -- both with our collective focus toward achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, and the expansion of demand and tools for using data sourced from public, private, and citizen-generated spheres....

September 8, 2016
Innovation, Open Data
MapAfrica 2.0: From High 5s to Successful Results

Earlier this year, we were proud to re-engage with our AfDB colleagues to launch MapAfrica 2.0, an updated version of the portal....

August 30, 2016
Aid Effectiveness & Management, Innovation
Score! A new way to assess DP monitoring systems

In a recent post we introduced the Results Data Scorecard, a method for assessing the accessibility of results data across development partners. In this post, we’d like to briefly introduce the categories of the scorecard itself....

August 24, 2016
Innovation, Results Data
The Results Data Scorecard: A glimpse at the importance and accessibility of results data

A key component of the Results Data Initiative (RDI) was the development of the Results Data Scorecard...

August 16, 2016
Innovation, Results Data
Cities Toolkit Featured on BBC

Development Gateway is pleased to announce that our innovative data toolkit has been featured on the BBC’s Click program...

August 2, 2016
Innovation, News/Events